Greetings and Welcome!
I've created this blog to communicate the experience of Oneness and Connectedness employing views from science and metaphysics, with an emphasis on Alchemy, but also including Non-duality, Carlos Castaneda, Qabala, Gurdjieff, Quantum physics, Tao, Dreamtime, Krishnamurti, Hermeticism, Raja Yoga, Gnosticism, Ramtha and more. At the bottom of the page, you'll find related links to websites and videos. Please feel free to comment or contact me.
With much love, Serpentrio Arquila
Saturday, May 19, 2012
The words are concepts - we can argue the words, but they are only pointing to what
cannot be ex-pressed or conceptualised. Do not be fooled or taken or lost by the words.
It's what cannot be said that I am trying to say.
Everything must be verified by you. You must look for yourself.
My words are nothing compared to what you can do.
Seeing is the change; realisation comes with awareness.
Awareness is not caused by comprehension or understanding.
Your mind cannot reason this - it cannot be grasped.
The greatest poet cannot convey the sweetness of fruit like your own tongue.
"Burn your books and whiten your laton."
Why should I define "laton"?
If you look, it is obvious what must be whitened/calcined on the ashes of these books.
The homonculus is an empty shell of a human being. It is oneself stripped of all things,
all concepts, all time, all meaning... the black phase, the dark k/night.
And then, like the Frankenstein monster, it must be given new life.
We must breathe life into it - the spirit must descend upon it.
And from this spirit it must form a heart. The word is written on our hearts, not in books.
The words are your very heart-strings, your flesh and blood and sinew and bone...
let these be your words. Let the seeing of truth be its own action/verbum.
Do you see how we kill ourselves... we wash ourselves... we burn ourselves...
and a phoenix rises from the ashes.
the end of time
When the time loop/bubble pops - no time has passed and nothing has happened.
Such is the mystery of being born again, of entering your mother's womb.
Such is redemption and baptism from sin.
You are present, as if born of a virgin - not from sex, not the product of any pre-existing bodies...
The virgin birth is truly the death of the whore/image/idea of the seperate ego.
It is like waking from a dream.

The three in one. The tria prima "pop" dimensionally from unity as seen in
the tetrahedral image of triunity/trinity.

Such is the mystery of being born again, of entering your mother's womb.
Such is redemption and baptism from sin.
You are present, as if born of a virgin - not from sex, not the product of any pre-existing bodies...
The virgin birth is truly the death of the whore/image/idea of the seperate ego.
It is like waking from a dream.
The three in one. The tria prima "pop" dimensionally from unity as seen in
the tetrahedral image of triunity/trinity.
Monday, May 14, 2012
You are everything.
Realise the significance of being the microcosm - it's all you.
You are consciousness.
You are time.
You are dimension.
Let me say that another way for perspective.
You are not IN time. You ARE time.
You are not IN the cosmos. You ARE the cosmos.
You are not IN a dimension. You ARE the dimensions.
You do not achieve a state of now/presence;
you ARE now/presence, and everything issues from you/now/presence presently.
From now, one thinks of the past and future or "enters" the dimensions or alternate
states of awareness/consciousness. And all those things are you.
The now portal is you.
If you only become more deeply aware of yourself, you will simultaneously
become more aware of time, dimension, consciousness, "God", because these
are not other than you.
The "other than you" idea sets up an unnecessary struggle between you and the other,
be it time, dimension, consciousness, cosmos...
The idea of God, the idea of consciousness, of time, of dimension... all ideas...
the idea is an abstraction. You are the present reality. You are the direct
unmediated essential.
Realise the significance of being the microcosm - it's all you.
You are consciousness.
You are time.
You are dimension.
Let me say that another way for perspective.
You are not IN time. You ARE time.
You are not IN the cosmos. You ARE the cosmos.
You are not IN a dimension. You ARE the dimensions.
You do not achieve a state of now/presence;
you ARE now/presence, and everything issues from you/now/presence presently.
From now, one thinks of the past and future or "enters" the dimensions or alternate
states of awareness/consciousness. And all those things are you.
The now portal is you.
If you only become more deeply aware of yourself, you will simultaneously
become more aware of time, dimension, consciousness, "God", because these
are not other than you.
The "other than you" idea sets up an unnecessary struggle between you and the other,
be it time, dimension, consciousness, cosmos...
The idea of God, the idea of consciousness, of time, of dimension... all ideas...
the idea is an abstraction. You are the present reality. You are the direct
unmediated essential.
Monday, May 7, 2012
On Philosophy and Wonder
"Wonder is the feeling of a philosopher; and philosophy begins in wonder." - Plato
"Philosophy begins in wonder. And, at the end, when philosophic thought has done its best,
the wonder remains." - Alfred North Whitehead
"Philosophy, though unable to tell us with certainty what is the true answer to the doubts it
raises, is able to suggest many possibilities which enlarge our thoughts and free them from
the tyranny of custom. Thus, while diminishing our feeling of certainty as to what things are,
it greatly increases our knowledge as to what they may be; it removes the somewhat arrogant
dogmatism of those who have never traveled into the region of liberating doubt, and it keeps
alive our sense of wonder by showing familiar things in an unfamiliar aspect." - Bertrand Russell
"Philosophy begins in wonder. And, at the end, when philosophic thought has done its best,
the wonder remains." - Alfred North Whitehead
"Philosophy, though unable to tell us with certainty what is the true answer to the doubts it
raises, is able to suggest many possibilities which enlarge our thoughts and free them from
the tyranny of custom. Thus, while diminishing our feeling of certainty as to what things are,
it greatly increases our knowledge as to what they may be; it removes the somewhat arrogant
dogmatism of those who have never traveled into the region of liberating doubt, and it keeps
alive our sense of wonder by showing familiar things in an unfamiliar aspect." - Bertrand Russell
"Any genuine philosophy leads to action and from action back again to wonder, to enduring
fact of mystery." - Henry Miller
"Science is what you know. Philosophy is what you don't know." - Bertrand Russell
I want to wake up
"I don't want to dream anymore. I want to wake up."
What is a dream?
"A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily
in the mind during certain stages of sleep."
And how is that different from being awake?
Our common state is thinking, a state of abstraction (not "what is", presence),
a series of images occurring involuntarily in the mind.
One may argue that their thoughts are voluntary while awake. But if we are
honest, for every voluntary thought there are a dozen or more involuntary ones
that react to it. We are more asleep than we are awake.
The whole world is this way and no one seems to care.
We care about a thousand things, but no one is "occupying" any street or city
and demanding that we wake up from our dreams - the greatest conspiracy of
them all:

"Thinking is an impediment to experiencing; and there is no wisdom without
experiencing. Knowledge, idea, belief, stand in the way of wisdom. An occupied mind
is not free, spontaneous, and only in spontaneity can there be discovery. An occupied
mind is self-enclosing; it is unapproachable, not vulnerable, and therein lies its security.
Thought, by its very structure, is self-isolating; it cannot be made vulnerable. Thought
cannot be spontaneous, it can never be free. Thought is the continuation of the past, and
that which continues cannot be free." - J. Krishnamurti
Don't you see, when we use our thought/knowledge/past/images we are dreaming - the
ego, the imaginary construct of thought, the thinker, is dreaming for you. The Matrix
has you.
"You are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that
you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind."
"This is what happens with human beings. Our mind is a biological machine like a computer.
There is different information in every human being according to their experience. Each one
has learned differently from parents, society, school and religion. The information that we
put in our computer is what will teach us to dream. It tells us how to interpret what we perceive.
According to that information, we perceive the world and call it reality. This information is the
source of our limitations. We create images about ourselves and about everything else. We then
want to believe in those images. The process of putting the information in the computer is the
Domestication. We were domesticated in the same way that we domesticate dogs, by punishment
and reward... The dream of the planet, held by all of us, is the same. When we rise out of the
dream of the planet, and out of our own dream, we find that what we have thought of as truth is
nothing but information in our computer, and it can be easily changed." - Miguel Ruiz
Not only can you change information in your computer, but you can perceive in an entirely
different way, beyond the mechanical computer system of thought.
You can exchange one dream for another, decorating your prison cell differently - it is still a
prison. "Thought cannot be free."
Or you can leave the prison, get up and walk out of Plato's cave of reflected images and into
the sunlight.
"I don't want to dream anymore. I want to wake up."
What is a dream?
"A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily
in the mind during certain stages of sleep."
"A daydream; a reverie."
"A state of abstraction; a trance."And how is that different from being awake?
Our common state is thinking, a state of abstraction (not "what is", presence),
a series of images occurring involuntarily in the mind.
One may argue that their thoughts are voluntary while awake. But if we are
honest, for every voluntary thought there are a dozen or more involuntary ones
that react to it. We are more asleep than we are awake.
The whole world is this way and no one seems to care.
We care about a thousand things, but no one is "occupying" any street or city
and demanding that we wake up from our dreams - the greatest conspiracy of
them all:
"Thinking is an impediment to experiencing; and there is no wisdom without
experiencing. Knowledge, idea, belief, stand in the way of wisdom. An occupied mind
is not free, spontaneous, and only in spontaneity can there be discovery. An occupied
mind is self-enclosing; it is unapproachable, not vulnerable, and therein lies its security.
Thought, by its very structure, is self-isolating; it cannot be made vulnerable. Thought
cannot be spontaneous, it can never be free. Thought is the continuation of the past, and
that which continues cannot be free." - J. Krishnamurti
Don't you see, when we use our thought/knowledge/past/images we are dreaming - the
ego, the imaginary construct of thought, the thinker, is dreaming for you. The Matrix
has you.
"You are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that
you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind."
"This is what happens with human beings. Our mind is a biological machine like a computer.
There is different information in every human being according to their experience. Each one
has learned differently from parents, society, school and religion. The information that we
put in our computer is what will teach us to dream. It tells us how to interpret what we perceive.
According to that information, we perceive the world and call it reality. This information is the
source of our limitations. We create images about ourselves and about everything else. We then
want to believe in those images. The process of putting the information in the computer is the
Domestication. We were domesticated in the same way that we domesticate dogs, by punishment
and reward... The dream of the planet, held by all of us, is the same. When we rise out of the
dream of the planet, and out of our own dream, we find that what we have thought of as truth is
nothing but information in our computer, and it can be easily changed." - Miguel Ruiz
Not only can you change information in your computer, but you can perceive in an entirely
different way, beyond the mechanical computer system of thought.
You can exchange one dream for another, decorating your prison cell differently - it is still a
prison. "Thought cannot be free."
Or you can leave the prison, get up and walk out of Plato's cave of reflected images and into
the sunlight.
"I don't want to dream anymore. I want to wake up."
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