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I've created this blog to communicate the experience of Oneness and Connectedness employing views from science and metaphysics, with an emphasis on Alchemy, but also including Non-duality, Carlos Castaneda, Qabala, Gurdjieff, Quantum physics, Tao, Dreamtime, Krishnamurti, Hermeticism, Raja Yoga, Gnosticism, Ramtha and more. At the bottom of the page, you'll find related links to websites and videos. Please feel free to comment or contact me.

With much love, Serpentrio Arquila

Saturday, November 13, 2010


While many an alchemist has endeavored to capture the rays of the sun as 
an high medicine, the plant kingdom had figured this out long ago 
(Photosynthesis = to make/synthesize light). 
Is it possible that chlorophyll is a green lion, devouring the sun?

Chlorophyll is the generic name for several fat-soluble green plant pigments which includes the open-chain bile pigments and the large ring compounds. The structure of chlorophyll molecule has four nitrogen-containing pyrrole rings bonded to a central magnesium atom, and the fifth ring containing only carbon atoms, and various long hydrocarbon tails attached to the pyrrole rings. The molecular structure of the chlorophylls is similar to that of the heme bound to proteins forming hemoglobin, except that the latter contains iron(II) ion in the center of the porphyrin. Chlorophyll 'a' and 'b' are the most common of the several chlorophyll molecules. Chlorophyll 'a'  is a waxy blue-black microcrystalline green-plant pigment, C55H72MgN4O5, with a characteristic blue-green alcohol solution. Chlorophyll occurs in all organisms exhibiting aerobic photosynthesis (green plants, algae, and cyanobacteria). Chlorophyll 'b', occurs in higher plants, is a similar green-plant pigment, C55H70MgN4O6, having a brilliant green alcohol solution. There are chlorophylls 'c1' and 'c2' in diatoms and brown algae, and chlorophyll 'd' in red algae.

Isn't it interesting that the chlorophyll is like the magnesium end member of a solid solution series to our iron-based hemoglobin? And that we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, while plants do the reverse - again mimicking a solid solution series.

Chlorophyll is slightly alkaline, just as healthy blood should be.

To extract chlorophyll from plants, place the plant(s) of your choice in a food 
processor or blender with some water and chop it up well.

Then strain it through cheesecloth or filters.

Now gently evaporate the water until you see the chlorophyll start to separate and 
look like algae.

Then filter it through coffee filters until you have a thick paste which must be kept 

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