Greetings and Welcome!
I've created this blog to communicate the experience of Oneness and Connectedness employing views from science and metaphysics, with an emphasis on Alchemy, but also including Non-duality, Carlos Castaneda, Qabala, Gurdjieff, Quantum physics, Tao, Dreamtime, Krishnamurti, Hermeticism, Raja Yoga, Gnosticism, Ramtha and more. At the bottom of the page, you'll find related links to websites and videos. Please feel free to comment or contact me.

With much love, Serpentrio Arquila

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

a wonderful poem

"The color of a thing is that one which, out of all the colors, it repels and cannot assimilate. High heaven refuses blue, returning azure to the retina. All summer long the leaves hold in the red. Charcoal gobbles all.

To our senses things offer only their rejections. We know them by their refuse. Perfume is what the flowers throw away.

Perhaps we only know other people by what they eliminate, by what their substance will not accept. If you are good, it is because you retain your evil. If you blaze, hurling off sparkles and lightnings, your sorrow, gloom and stupidity keep house within you. They are more you, more yours, than your brilliance. Your genius is everything you are not. Your best deeds are foreign to you."

- Paul Valéry


  1. Agreed.
    Probably thanks are due to Steve Sher at KUOW for hosting poet Heather McHugh, who read Valery's poem on the air on June 21st, inviting the rest of us to meditate on it as well...
